【important】Please be careful of fake accounts using our logo and company name without permission!

TOP 未分類【important】Please be careful of fake accounts using our logo and company name without permission!



There has been a report of a fake LINE account using our company name and logo without permission.
This LINE account is fake and has no relation to our company.
Please be careful as there is a possibility that you may become a victim of fraud using payment apps.


[Fraud techniques]
1. You haven't received the item you purchased online.
2. You will receive a refund notification via email or phone.
3. You will receive instructions via SNS such as LINE 
4. Tap the link to open the payment app screen and follow the instructions.
5. You are supposed to get a refund, but you are instructed to send money.
It is extremely unnatural to use a payment app to issue refunds for online shopping.
If you receive refund notification, suspect fraud, and do not follow the instructions immediately and consult your local consumer affairs center or police.