
“Creating new potential and value through service that connects the world”

It’s not easy to find and select exactly what we need in our modern society, where we are surrounded with a great deal of information and objects.

Inoue Trading Co., Ltd., has been accumulating trust and know-how in the trading business over many years. We quickly choose and provide our partners with just the right service that they need, such as developing sales channels and suppliers, export operations, foreign exchange risk management, or fund settlement.

In addition, we open up diverse business frontiers in imports, exports, wholesale, retail, e-commerce, and more. We operate all of these ourselves, making it possible to build various types of supply chains from manufacturers to consumers. We form diversified and sustainable relationships with our partners, create new potential and value together with them, and will continue growing as a company.


“We give first priority to trust”

We give first priority to trust

Our most important management resource is the trust that we have worked to build since our establishment. If that trust is strong, it works like a magnet that attracts people and information, and provides us with a great deal of business.

“We open up business frontiers with new ideas and approaches”

We open up business frontiers with new ideas and approaches

We liken this to Darwin’s theory of evolution, in that “it is not the strongest company that survives, but the one most adaptable to change”. We open up frontiers without being tied to fixed ideas, and aim to be a “stronger” company that adopts new ideas and approaches.

“The growth of each of us supports the growth of the company”

The growth of each of us supports the growth of the company

A company does not grow by itself. There can be no growth of a company without growth of the individuals. And to grow, each individual needs to do the following three actions.
(1) Gain experience
(2) Acquire knowledge
(3) Think for oneself